These General Terms and Conditions apply, insofar as they have been effectively incorporated into the contract, to all contracts that Rocket Technologies UG (limited liability), Emil-Zeiß Str. 19, 32683 Barntrup, (hereinafter referred to as “Rocket Technologies”) concludes with its customers.
Rocket Technologies' contractual performance obligations arise entirely from these General Terms and Conditions. Any differing or supplementary terms and conditions of the customer shall only apply if Rocket Technologies expressly agrees to their validity. Unconditional fulfillment of the contract does not constitute consent to such terms and conditions of the customer.
To the extent that domains are the subject of the contractual relationship and unless these General Terms and Conditions stipulate otherwise, the terms and conditions of the relevant registration authority (eg in the case of DENIC, the DENIC Registration Conditions, the DENIC Registration Guidelines and the DENIC Direct Price List) shall also apply to the registration, which shall also become part of the contract.
Violations of the terms and conditions of the registration authorities can lead to sub-level domains not being registered, not being transferred, being transferred against the will of the owner or being deleted. The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the terms and conditions for sub-level domain registration with the respective registration authority are met. Rocket Technologies‘ contractual obligation to provide services only includes the provision of the sub-level domain and the technical implementation of the registration. Rocket Technologies is not obliged to check the availability of a domain or compliance with the registration conditions of the respective registration authority.
Rocket Technologies assumes no responsibility for any delay in domain registration that is the responsibility of the customer or the registry.
The order to register a sub-level domain may be rejected by Rocket Technologies if the application gives reason to believe that it violates legal provisions, the terms and conditions of the responsible registry or the legitimate interests of Rocket Technologies.
To the extent that the terms and conditions of individual awarding bodies become the subject of the contract with Rocket Technologies in accordance with Section 1 (3), the customer – if it is a sub-provider/reseller – is obliged to effectively include these terms and conditions in the contracts with its end customers (hereinafter „end customers“). The customer shall compensate Rocket Technologies for all damages and shall indemnify Rocket Technologies upon first request from all claims, costs and expenses arising from
the customer intentionally or negligently fails to make the terms and conditions of the respective contracting authority concerned a part of the contract with its end customers;
the customer or its end customer intentionally or negligently fails to comply with the obligations set out in the terms and conditions of the respective registry or intentionally or negligently fails to meet the requirements necessary for domain registration;
the end customer makes a claim against Rocket Technologies within the scope of this contract or the domain registration underlying the contract due to intentional or negligent conduct on the part of the customer.
Rocket Technologies provides its services on the basis of the technical, legal and commercial framework conditions for the use of the Internet that apply at the time the contract is concluded. Any extension of the services due to the technical development of the Internet after the contract is concluded requires a separate agreement.
Rocket Technologies may change the General Terms and Conditions,
Any change in the fees to be paid by the Customer shall be made exclusively in accordance with the following paragraph (3).
Rocket Technologies is entitled to adjust the fees in the event of a change in the statutory sales tax, while maintaining the original contractual equivalence ratio from the time and in the amount of the change for the future by means of a unilateral declaration to the customer.
Rocket Technologies will notify the customer of the changes in accordance with paragraph (2) in writing by email. If the customer does not object to individual or all changes in writing by email within six (6) weeks of receiving the notification of the change, the notified changes will be deemed to have been approved. In the written notification, the service provider will inform the customer of the start of the deadline, the significance and the consequences of their silence. If the customer exercises their right of objection, the contract will be continued with regard to the individual provisions complained about under the previous terms and conditions until the end of the minimum contract term. In this case, Rocket Technologies reserves the right to terminate the contract automatically at the earliest possible date within the deadline.
Rocket Technologies is entitled to change the IP addresses if this is absolutely necessary (eg due to technical necessity). A change in IP addresses does not imply a change in the contractual relationship and does not affect the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship.
If the activation of a domain is also the subject of the contract, Rocket Technologies will only activate it once the fees owed for registration have been received by Rocket Technologies. If the provision of servers by Rocket Technologies is the subject of the contract, Rocket Technologies will only activate them once the fees owed as connection costs have been paid.
Service and delivery dates are only binding if confirmed in writing. If the provision of servers is the subject of the contract, the dates communicated for connection are to be understood as the "earliest dates for connection" unless expressly agreed otherwise. Failure to meet such a date cannot, in principle, result in a delay.
Unless different prices have been expressly agreed in the respective individual contract, the current price list of Rocket Technologies applies. For domains, the price is due for the first time when they are registered, in the case of a change of provider (ChProv application) at the start; if the contractual relationship is extended, the agreed fee for the extension period is due in advance and must be paid no later than the first working day of the respective extension period. An agreed monthly flat rate is also due in advance. Other fees are due within 10 days of invoicing.
If the customer authorizes Rocket Technologies to collect fees due from an account specified by the customer, the customer is obliged to ensure that the account has sufficient funds. In case of doubt, a collection authorization granted extends to all bank details provided by the customer within the framework of the contractual relationship and includes all payments owed by the customer to Rocket Technologies within the contractual relationship.
If the debit from the customer’s account fails due to insufficient funds or is reversed at the customer’s request, Rocket Technologies is entitled to additionally claim the costs incurred (eg return debit fees) as minimum damages. In addition, Rocket Technologies is entitled to charge a processing fee of €15.00 per failed direct debit, unless the customer can prove that no damage or significantly less damage was actually incurred.
If the customer exceeds a contractually agreed scope of use (eg a traffic flat rate), he is obliged to pay the appropriate additional fee. If the customer does not use the scope of use made available to him or only partially, the agreed fees will not be reduced.
A non-usage-dependent claim to remuneration remains unaffected if disruptions to the quality of access to the Internet and/or data traffic on the Internet occur due to force majeure or other events for which Rocket Technologies is not responsible and cannot influence (eg failure of communication networks and/or gateways of other operators). In any case, the customer cannot derive any claims (in particular for reimbursement) if a disruption extends over a period of no more than one working day. However, in the event of significant impairments over a significant period of time (at least 8 consecutive days), the customer is entitled to terminate the contract without notice.
The customer can only offset claims against claims that are undisputed or legally established. The same applies to other possible rights to refuse performance, with the exception of the right under Section 320 of the German Civil Code (BGB). The customer is only entitled to assert a right of retention due to counterclaims arising from the same contractual relationship.
In the case of domain registration as the subject matter of the contract, Rocket Technologies is entitled, if there is an important reason, to either block the Internet presence affected by the contractual relationship at the customer’s expense or to return the domain to the respective registration authority.
If the subject matter of the contract is the provision of a virtual/dedicated server and/or server housing, Rocket Technologies is entitled to temporarily disconnect the server from the network if there is an important reason.
This also applies if the customer acts as a sub-provider/reseller.
An important reason exists in particular if the customer defaults on payment of the remuneration or a not insignificant part of the remuneration for two consecutive billing periods (eg two months in the case of monthly fees) or defaults on payment of an amount corresponding to at least two billing periods for a period longer than two billing periods.
In the event of a blocking carried out by Rocket Technologies in accordance with the contract, the customer remains liable to pay the agreed flat-rate fees to Rocket Technologies. Rocket Technologies is also entitled to assert a right of retention on the affected domain name in accordance with Section 273 of the German Civil Code (BGB) as long as all payment claims have not been satisfied by the customer. The assertion of further claims due to late payment remains reserved.
If the customer defaults on payment of the remuneration owed for two consecutive billing periods (eg two months in the case of monthly fees) or for a period longer than two billing periods with an amount corresponding to at least two billing periods, the remuneration agreed for the entire term of the contract concluded with the customer shall immediately become due for payment in full.
If the customer has been set to „Prepaid“, he must ensure that he has sufficient funds (credit) to extend a contract. If the customer’s account does not have sufficient funds for a new contract or a contract extension, Rocket Technologies will not conclude or extend the contract. In this case, the affected settings and data stored by the customer will be deleted from Rocket Technologies‘ servers and the affected domains will be returned to the respective registration authorities or deleted. The customer will be informed of this by email.
On average, Rocket Technologies‘ Internet web servers achieve an annual accessibility and availability of 99.0%, based on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This does not include times when the web server cannot be reached via the Internet due to technical or other problems that are outside the control or responsibility of Rocket Technologies (eg force majeure, fault of third parties). In addition, uninterrupted availability of data cannot be guaranteed during technical work (eg maintenance), which usually accounts for a maximum of 2% of the total annual running time. If an interruption or restriction of operations is necessary for preventive maintenance work, these will be announced in advance wherever possible.
Rocket Technologies will immediately remedy any service disruptions (eg in its technical facilities) within the scope of existing technical and operational possibilities. In the event of disruptions that are apparent to the customer, the customer is obliged to immediately notify Rocket Technologies in writing (fault report).
If the provision of the contractual services is disrupted by circumstances that are within the responsibility of Rocket Technologies and Rocket Technologies does not provide this service even after written notice from the customer and the expiry of a reasonable period of time, the customer is entitled to reduce the ongoing fees for the period and to the extent that Rocket Technologies has not properly provided these services. The customer’s statutory rights to refuse performance remain unaffected by these provisions. The customer’s right to extraordinary termination also remains unaffected.
Die Information des Kunden über Störungen, einschließlich Betriebsunterbrechungen und -einschränkungen erfolgt ausschließlich in dem unter dem von Rocket Technologies bereitgestellten Störungsticker auf der Website von Rocket Technologies. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet sich dort in regelmäßigen Abständen über entsprechende Mitteilungen zu informieren. Rocket Technologies ist berechtigt, nach eigenem Ermessen den Kunden zusätzlich per E-Mail zu informieren.
Der Kunde verpflichtet sich
keine Daten, Inhalte bzw. Informationen im Internet zu veröffentlichen oder zu lagern, durch die gegen gesetzliche Bestimmungen, Rechte Dritter und/oder gegen die guten Sitten verstoßen wird, insbesondere keine Phishing-Websites oder sonstige schädliche Programme und Inhalte (Viren, Trojaner etc.). Ebenso gilt dies für Daten, Inhalte bzw. Informationen hinsichtlich Gewalt, Extremismus, Erotik oder Pornographie jeglicher Art, sozial fragliche oder gesellschaftlich nicht akzeptierte Themen. Der Kunde verzichtet auch auf Geschäftsbeziehungen jeglicher Art mit Dritten, da dies Einfluss auf die Außenwirkung von Rocket Technologies nehmen könnte. Sollten sich diesbezüglich Änderungen ergeben hat der Kunde diese selbstständig gegenüber Rocket Technologies postalisch anzuzeigen. Rocket Technologies behält sich das Recht der fristlosen Kündigung vor;
anerkannte Grundsätzen der Datensicherheit zu beachten, insbesondere Zugangskennungen und Passwörter geheim zu halten und vor dem Gebrauch durch unberechtigte Dritte zu schützen, sowie ausreichende, dem aktuellen Stand der Technik entsprechende Schutzmaßnahmen gegen Computerviren und andere schädliche Programme (einschließlich deren Verbreitung) zu ergreifen;
sicherzustellen, dass die vom Kunden auf einem Server von Rocket Technologies eingesetzten Skripte und Programme nicht mit Fehlern behaftet sind, welche die Leistungserbringung durch Rocket Technologies stören könnten;
Rocket Technologies erkennbare Mängel oder Schäden unverzüglich schriftlich anzuzeigen (Störungsmeldung) und alle Maßnahmen zu treffen, die eine Feststellung der Mängel oder Schäden und ihre Ursachen ermöglichen bzw. die Beseitigung der Störung erleichtern und beschleunigen;
alle Personen, denen der Kunde eine Nutzung der Dienste von Rocket Technologies ermöglicht, in geeigneter Weise auf die Einhaltung der Pflichten nach den vorliegenden Nutzungsbedingungen hinzuweisen (vgl. v.a. Ziff.1 (3) sowie nachfolgende Absätze), sowie
die Erfüllung aller anwendbarer gesetzlicher Vorschriften und behördlicher Auflagen sicherzustellen.
Der Kunde sichert zu, dass die von ihm im Rahmen des Vertragsschlusses und der Durchführung des Vertrages angegebenen und/oder übermittelten Daten richtig und vollständig sind. Bei Änderungen ist der Kunde verpflichtet, Rocket Technologies unverzüglich zu informieren.
Soweit Serverleistungen Vertragsgegenstand sind, obliegt es dem Kunden, vollständige und zutreffende Datensätze zu übermitteln. Die Administration des Servers ist Aufgabe des Kunden.
Der Kunde ist allein dafür verantwortlich, dass von ihm gewählte Adressen-Bezeichnungen (Domain, E-Mail-Adressen) frei sind und nicht gegen gesetzliche Verbote oder die guten Sitten verstoßen bzw. Rechte Dritter verletzen.
Bei Serverleistungen ist der Kunde für Inhalte/Informationen seines dedizierten Servers allein verantwortlich.
Ist der Kunde Reseller einer Domain, so liegt es in seinem Verantwortungsbereich die Pflichten aus diesen Geschäftsbedingungen sowie ggf. den Geschäftsbedingungen der jeweiligen Domian-Vergabestelle an seine Endkunden wirksam weiterzugeben.
Für die Bereitstellung der notwendigen funktionsfähigen technischen Infrastruktur (z. B. Hardware, Software mit TCP/IP-Protokoll, Browser, Modem, Telekommunikationsverbindung etc.), die für die Nutzung der Dienste von Rocket Technologies erforderlich ist, ist der Kunde allein verantwortlich. Auch die allgemeine Administration der von Rocket Technologies zur Verfügung gestellten Dienste und Leistungen obliegt ausschließlich dem Kunden.
Im Falle eines Auftrages zur Registrierung von Domains stellt der Kunde die technischen Voraussetzungen zur Konnektierung der Domain sicher und prüft unverzüglich die ordnungsgemäße Registrierung. Nach der erfolgreichen Registrierung hat der Kunde die Funktionsfähigkeit des Zugriffs im Internet und die jeweils in diesem Zusammenhang bei den Vergabestellen bzw. Registries veröffentlichten Daten (im Falle von .de-Domains beispielsweise die Veröffentlichungen unter www.denic.de/webwhois/) zu überprüfen und teilt Rocket Technologies erkennbare Fehler und Störungen unverzüglich mit.
Soweit Zugangskennungen, -passwörter und/oder persönliche Kennwörter aufgrund vorsätzlichen oder fahrlässigen Verhaltens des Kunden Dritten zur Kenntnis gelangen, trägt der Kunde das Risiko der missbräuchlichen Verwendung.
Der Kunde hat Rocket Technologies unverzüglich zu informieren, sobald er davon Kenntnis erlangt, dass dessen Zugangskennungen und –passwörter oder persönliche Kennwörter unbefugten Dritten bekannt sind. Zudem ist der Kunde verpflichtet, diese Zugangspasswörter bzw. persönlichen Kennwörter unverzüglich zu ändern, wenn Anlass zu der Vermutung besteht, dass ein Dritter davon Kenntnis erlangt haben könnte. Persönliche Kennwörter sind vom Kunden in regelmäßigen Abständen (mindestens alle 6 Monate) zu ändern. Die Kennwörter sind vom Kunden so zu wählen, dass eine ausreichende Sicherheitsstufe gewährleistet ist (mindestens 8 Zeichen, Verwendung von Groß- und Kleinschreibung und von Sonderzeichen, keine aus dem persönlichen Umfeld des Kunden stammende Informationen, wie Geburtsdatum, Name der Kinder etc., vornehmliche Verwendung von Buchstabenkombinationen, keine Wörter einer Sprache). Bei einem dreimal hintereinander falsch eingegebenen persönlichen Kennwort oder dem begründeten Verdacht der missbräuchlichen Nutzung ist Rocket Technologies berechtigt, den betreffenden Zugang vorübergehend, regelmäßig bis zum Folgetag, zu sperren.
Der Kunde ist zur regelmäßigen Anfertigung von Sicherungskopien seiner Daten verpflichtet (mindestens einmal an jedem Arbeitstag, an dem der Datenbestand in irgendeiner Weise verändert wurde, sowie vor jeder Installation von Hard- oder Software). Schäden aufgrund eines von Rocket Technologies zu vertretender Datenverlustes werden nur ersetzt, soweit diese auch bei einer ordnungsgemäßen Datensicherung durch den Kunden entstanden wären.
Werden Rocket Technologies konkrete Hinweise bekannt, dass ein Verstoß gegen die Pflichten gem. Ziffer 5 (1) vorliegt, so ist Rocket Technologies berechtigt, die Leistungen ganz oder teilweise einzustellen, bis der Verstoß beseitigt bzw. der Verdacht ausgeräumt ist.
Soweit Vertragsgegenstand die Zurverfügungstellung eines virtuellen / dedizierten Servers und/oder Server-Housing ist, ist Rocket Technologies berechtigt, den Server, bis zur Beseitigung des Verstoßes gegen die Pflichten der Ziffer 5 (1) bzw. der Ausräumung des Verdachts vorübergehend vom Netz zu trennen.
Rocket Technologies wird den Kunden unverzüglich von einer solchen Maßnahme unterrichten und ihn auffordern, den Verstoß zu beseitigen, insbesondere vermeintlich rechtswidrige Inhalte zu löschen, bzw. darzulegen und ggf. zu beweisen, dass ein Verstoß gegen Ziffer 5 (1) nicht vorliegt. Entsprechendes gilt, soweit die Sperrung einer Internetseite aufgrund behördlicher oder gerichtlicher Anordnung gegenüber Rocket Technologies erfolgt. Rocket Technologies wird die Sperrung aufheben, sobald der Verdacht des Verstoßes gegen Ziffer 5 (1) entkräftet ist und die etwaige behördliche oder gerichtliche Anordnung aufgehoben wurde.
Bei einem erheblichen Pflichtverstoß gegen Ziffer 5 (1) ist Rocket Technologies auch berechtigt, das Vertragsverhältnis entsprechend § 314 BGB fristlos zu kündigen.
Darüber hinaus ist Rocket Technologies berechtigt, bei besonders schwerwiegenden Verstößen gegen das Verbot des Veröffentlichens von beleidigenden, diskriminierenden oder in sonstiger Weise rechtswidrigen Inhalten die Internetseite des Kunden zu löschen oder dauerhaft zu sperren und/oder die Domain an die jeweilige Vergabestelle zurückzugeben.
Soweit Vertragsgegenstand die Zurverfügungstellung eines virtuellen/dedizierten Servers und/oder Server-Housing ist, behält sich Rocket Technologies zudem im vorgenannten Fall das Recht vor, den Server dauerhaft vom Netz zu trennen.
Vor dem Ergreifen einer der genannten Maßnahmen wird Rocket Technologies den Kunden auf dessen Verstoß gegen seine Pflichten hinweisen und ihm eine angemessene Frist zu deren Beseitigung setzen. Sollte Rocket Technologies eine solche Fristsetzung wegen der Schwere der Pflichtverletzung nicht zumutbar sein, wird die jeweilige Maßnahme mit sofortiger Wirkung durchgeführt und der Kunden unverzüglich davon unterrichten. Die endgültige Löschung der Internetseite oder die Rückgabe der Domain an die Vergabestelle erfolgt erst, wenn kein milderes geeignetes Mittel, um den vertragswidrigen Zustand zu beseitigen, erkennbar ist.
Falls der Kunde eine Pflichtverletzung gem. den Ziffern 5 (1) bis 5 (8) zu vertreten hat, ist er zum Ersatz des Rocket Technologies aus der Pflichtverletzung entstehenden Schadens sowie den diesbezüglichen Aufwendungen für deren Beseitigung verpflichtet. Der Kunde stellt Rocket Technologies von allen Ansprüchen Dritter (einschließlich Gerichts- und Anwaltskosten für die Verteidigung gegen die Ansprüche) frei, die auf einer solchen schuldhaften Pflichtverletzung beruhen.
Rocket Technologies weist darauf hin, dass im Rahmen der Vertragsdurchführung personenbezogene Daten des Kunden (z.B. Name, Anschrift) gespeichert werden, soweit dies für die Erbringung der vertraglichen Leistung und deren Abrechnung erforderlich ist. Zum Zwecke der Vertragsdurchführung können diese auch an Dritte, insbesondere die Vergabestellen übermittelt und im üblichen Umfang zur Identifizierung des Inhabers der Domain veröffentlicht werden (einschließlich evtl. öffentlicher Abfragemöglichkeiten in sog. whois-Datenbanken). Rocket Technologies wird dabei die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Datenschutz, vor allem des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes und des Telemediengesetzes beachten.
Wird der Kunde als Reseller tätig, so ist dieser dafür verantwortlich, dass die Übermittlung von Daten der Endkunden in Übereinstimmung mit datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben erfolgt.
Der Kunde kann jederzeit Auskunft bezüglich der von ihm bei Rocket Technologies gespeicherten Daten sowie im Falle der Unrichtigkeit deren Korrektur verlangen.
Es ist dem Kunden bekannt, dass unverschlüsselt über das Internet übertragene Daten nicht sicher sind und von Dritten zur Kenntnis genommen und verändert werden können.
Both contracting parties undertake to keep secret all confidential information made available to them in connection with the contractual relationship and – unless this is necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract – not to record, pass on or otherwise use it.
The information is confidential if it has been marked as such or if it is recognizable as a business or trade secret from other circumstances. In particular, the area of contract implementation and processing, including the technical aspects disclosed to the respective contractual partner, as well as all other information not accessible to the public must be treated confidentially.
The confidentiality obligations under this Agreement do not apply to information
not to publish or store any data, content or information on the Internet that violates legal provisions, the rights of third parties and/or common decency, in particular no phishing websites or other harmful programs and content (viruses, Trojans, etc.). This also applies to data, content or information regarding violence, extremism, eroticism or pornography of any kind, socially questionable or socially unacceptable topics. The customer also refrains from business relationships of any kind with third parties, as this could influence the external image of Rocket Technologies. If there are any changes in this regard, the customer must notify Rocket Technologies of these independently by post. Rocket Technologies reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice;
to observe recognized principles of data security, in particular to keep access codes and passwords secret and to protect them from use by unauthorized third parties, as well as to take sufficient protective measures against computer viruses and other harmful programs (including their distribution) in accordance with the current state of the art;
to ensure that the scripts and programs used by the customer on a Rocket Technologies server are free from errors that could disrupt the provision of services by Rocket Technologies;
Rocket Technologies must immediately notify Rocket Technologies in writing of any apparent defects or damage (fault report) and take all measures to enable the defects or damage and their causes to be identified or to facilitate and accelerate the elimination of the fault;
to inform all persons to whom the customer allows use of Rocket Technologies‘ services in an appropriate manner of compliance with the obligations under these Terms of Use (see in particular Section 1 (3) and the following paragraphs), and
to ensure compliance with all applicable legal regulations and regulatory requirements.
By means of suitable contractual agreements with employees and/or other agents, the contracting parties must ensure that they refrain from any disclosure or other unauthorized use of such confidential information – also for an indefinite period of time.
The obligation of confidentiality implies that the contracting parties must handle the confidential information carefully and protect it in the same way as they handle their own confidential information.
The confidentiality obligation shall continue to apply beyond the termination of the contractual relationship for a period of 3 years from the end of the contract.
Rocket Technologies is liable without limitation for damages caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of Rocket Technologies, its legal representatives or vicarious agents, as well as for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health. This applies to contractual as well as non-contractual (tortious) claims. The same applies to liability for a guarantee or assurance, which must, however, be given in writing. In cases in which only simple vicarious agents of Rocket Technologies can be accused of gross negligence, liability is limited to such damages that must typically be expected to occur within the framework of the contractual relationship.
In the case of simple negligence, Rocket Technologies is only liable for indirect damage, consequential damage or lost profits if it involves a breach of essential contractual obligations. An obligation is essential to the contract if its fulfillment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and the customer could rely on its compliance. Liability is limited to the typically foreseeable damage. Rocket Technologies is also liable if there is mandatory liability based on the Product Liability Act.
Liability for delay and impossibility for which Rocket Technologies is responsible is also limited to such damages that are typically to be expected within the framework of the contractual relationship. In the case of only slight negligence, Rocket Technologies is only liable for direct damages. This limitation also applies in cases of liability due to violation of other legal interests of the customer.
In the event of simple negligence, Rocket Technologies is not liable for content or programs (software) distributed on the Internet and for any damages resulting from this, regardless of the type (network infrastructure errors, faulty data storage devices, etc.). In the case of standard software applications (eg MS Word, operating system: Linux, etc.), this also applies to software used by Rocket Technologies. In any case, the customer is solely responsible for the software he uses (eg on the server), including its licensing.
If Rocket Technologies‘ liability is based on an event caused by a third party and the third party’s liability is limited by law (eg due to the Telecommunications Act or the Telemedia Act), Rocket Technologies‘ liability towards the customer is limited to the same extent as the third party is liable towards Rocket Technologies, unless Rocket Technologies, its legal representatives or vicarious agents are guilty of intent or gross negligence or of breaching an essential contractual obligation or the damage is due to injury to life, body or health.
Furthermore, the amount of liability for financial losses is limited to the typically foreseeable damage.
Rocket Technologies assumes no liability for the correct functioning of infrastructures and transmission paths of the Internet or for the information transmitted via them (neither for their completeness, accuracy or timeliness nor for their freedom from third-party rights), unless these lie within the area of responsibility of Rocket Technologies. Rocket Technologies is also not liable for loss of use caused by third parties outside its area of responsibility. In particular, Rocket Technologies is not liable for circumstances outside its area of responsibility when registering domains using an automated process by the customer.
The above provisions also apply to the benefit of employees and other vicarious agents of Rocket Technologies.
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to ensure that their website and other content or the website and other content of their end customers do not violate applicable law. Rocket Technologies is not obliged to carry out such checks.
In the case of claims for damages against Rocket Technologies arising from secondary contractual obligations and other claims due to a defect, the limitation period is one year from the start of the statutory limitation period. This does not apply to claims due to a defect in the cases of Section 438 Paragraph 1 No. 2 and Section 634 a Paragraph 1 No. 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB), as well as for damages that Rocket Technologies, its legal representatives or vicarious agents have caused intentionally, and claims due to tort and under the Product Liability Act; in these cases, the statutory limitation periods apply.
Unless otherwise agreed, contracts are concluded for a minimum term of one year. If the contract is not terminated in good time, i.e. 6 weeks before the end of the contract term, it will be extended for a further year.
The regular notice period for contracts involving server services is three (3) months up until the end of the contract term. If domains are the subject of the contract, the notice period is six weeks up until the end of the contract term.
This does not affect the early termination for good cause, in particular in the cases provided for in these terms and conditions (eg clause 2 (3) and clause 3 (6)). For Rocket Technologies, good cause also exists if
Any termination must be in writing to be effective. An email is not sufficient.
After an extraordinary termination for which the customer is responsible, Rocket Technologies is not obliged to repay the customer any fee agreed for the minimum contract term. This regulation applies accordingly to the fee owed for the respective extension period.
The customer’s right to compensation upon termination of the contract is excluded.
German law applies, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
The place of performance is the registered office of Rocket Technologies.
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship is Lemgo. Rocket Technologies can also file suit at the customer’s place of jurisdiction.
There are no oral side agreements. Changes or additions must be made in writing.
Any transfer of rights and obligations arising from this contractual relationship by the customer is only permitted with the prior written consent of Rocket Technologies.
Should individual provisions of a contract concluded on the basis of these T&Cs or of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, the remaining General Terms and Conditions shall remain unaffected. In such a case, the parties are obliged to replace an invalid General Terms and Conditions with an effective one that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid one.
Status: January 2020
Rocket Technologies ist seit 2020 etablierter IT-Dienstleister für digitale Softwarelösungen und modernste Servertechnik mit remote first-Technologien. Freundlicher, schneller und zuvorkommender Service sowie ein verantwortungsvoller Umgang sind für uns selbstverständlich.
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